May 15, 2012

Dr. N. Reed Dunnick receives Gold Medal from Association of University Radiologists

Each year since 1978, the Association of University Radiologists has presented its highest honor, the Gold Medal, to outstanding radiologists who have made substantial contributions to our field. This year Dr. N. Reed Dunnick will receive the gold medal, for his contributions to the AUR and the radiology profession as a clinician, scientist, mentor and leader.

N. Reed Dunnick
N. Reed Dunnick, MD

In addition to his contributions as a clinician, scientist, educator and mentor, Dr. Dunnick has been exemplary in his commitment to professional organizations. He has served as President of the ARR, ABR, ARRS, AUR, MRS, RRA, SCARD, SCBT/MR, and SUR, and served on the ACR Board of Chancellors. He currently serves as Chairman of the RSNA Board of Directors.

Dr. Dunnick began his service to the AUR as a member of the Staufer Award Committee in 1986. Since then, he has served in numerous leadership roles, including: Chair of the Publications, Corporate Support, Editorial Executive, Program Planning, Awards, Membership, Scientific Program, Nominating and Gold Medal Award Committees.

Dr. N. Reed Dunnick has contributed enormously to the field of Radiology, to the AUR and to the careers of countless individuals who have been fortunate to know him as a leader, a colleague, a mentor and a trusted friend. It is with great pleasure that the AUR bestows upon him their highest honor, the AUR Gold Medal

Posted in Accolades & Milestones