Clerkship Director: Kim Shampain, MD ([email protected], pager # 19121)
Administrative Contact: Jessica Meyers ([email protected]) Ph: (734) 615-9016
WELCOME to Abdominal Radiology clerkship! Details of your elective are listed below. Please contact Dr. Shampain or the elective coordinator, Jessica Meyers, [email protected] if you have any questions.
This elective is designed to introduce students to Abdominal Imaging in the Radiology Department. You will have the opportunity to see many different techniques for imaging the abdomen and are expected to learn the clinical indications for using different imaging modalities; for example, when is ultrasound (US) a better test than CT and vice versa, as you will require knowledge of optimal utility of imaging modalities in the right clinical context to practice your future specialty. As you probably already know, imaging technology is an important and integrative tool for diagnosis and clinical decision making. Improving your understanding of imaging modalities and basic imaging interpretation should lead to improved patient care.
You will have the opportunity to independently review cases and go over the imaged-based approach and diagnosis with a fellow or faculty.
The first day of your rotation, please arrive at the Body CT reading room, B1D454, at 9 am. You will be assigned to a trainee and attending each morning, schedule predetermined by Dr. Shampain. The body CT reading room coordinator at the front desk, Debbie Fisher, will have the schedule and introduce you to the trainee and attending you’ll be working with that day. You will be on a mix of CT and fluoro for your rotation.
You are expected to be in the reading room from 9:00 am – 12:00 noon. The reading rooms can be busy places. Please wear white coat and your id badge at all times. Please introduce yourself to the physicians, fellows, residents, ultrasound practitioners, nurses, technologists and reading room coordinators who may be present. All have something to offer and would like to be engaged.
Please send electronic evaluation forms/link to the faculties/fellows that you may have worked for daily assessment.
General Review of Course
You can tailor this rotation to your interests as long as you get a fair variety of experience. You must be somewhat flexible, as the department must accommodate all students on this rotation. The main areas, which constitute the core of this clerkship, are fluoroscopic GI/ GU and CT. Limited exposure to Body Interventional may be available if interested. This will be arranged Dr. Shampain depending on availability in the other sections.
Each area involves performance of the examination and interpretation of the finished studies. Get involved in both! Document your work by filling out the provided case list (name, hospital ID number, brief radiologic diagnosis). Of course, save the data safely (with HIPAA compliance).
Clinical Areas/Studies:
Gastrointestinal/Genitourinary Fluoroscopy
- Abdomen plain radiographs
- Esophagram, Upper GI study
- Barium enema
- Small bowel follow-through
- Drain injection
- Videofluoroscopy Swallow Studies
- Defecography
- Hysterosalpingogram
- Retrograde urethrogram
- CT Abdomen & Pelvis
- CT Enterography
- CT Urography
- CT Angiography
- Other Specialized protocols
Available Teaching Conferences
Remember, all of the abdominal imaging conferences are optional, but you are encouraged to attend virtually via Zoom. Please ask for the Zoom link if interested.
Resident Teaching Conference
Everyday 12 – 1:30 pm (presented by faculty members)
Body CT Conference
Every Friday, 7:30 - 8:30 am (presented by residents and fellows)
Body US Conference
Every other Tuesday, 12 – 1:30 pm (presented by fellows)
Body MRI Conference
Every other Thursday, 7:30 – 8:30 am (presented by fellows)
Evaluation and Grading
Daily attendance and compiling the teaching file cases are required to achieve pass. A grade of honors can be achieved by completing additional work under the supervision of one of the radiology faculty/fellow and or strong recommendations from faculties you may have worked during the rotation. This may include additional teaching file cases, preparation of a case report, participation in or contribution to a research project, etc. The quality and intensity of the additional work completed will be evaluated in determining your grade. Bear in mind that extra work of poor quality may not merit a grade of high pass or honors. Similarly, a grade of high pass or honors may be also achieved on the basis of an outstanding performance during the required daily clinical activities (as recommended by faculties), attendance and the required teaching files.
Recommended Reading Material
- Diagnostic Imaging: Abdomen and Pelvis by Federle et al
- Diagnostic Ultrasound: Abdomen and Pelvis by Kamaya et al
- Expert DDx: Abdomen and pelvis: Federle et al