Michael A. DiPietro Lectureship in Radiology

During his career at the University of Michigan, Michael DiPietro, MD, has played a leadership role in graduate, resident, and medical student education. “Education is extremely important to me," he explains, “though I also enjoy the clinical service and research aspects of my career."

To honor the importance of Dr. DiPietro's contributions to medical education at the University of Michigan, the Department of Radiology is pleased to announce a new campaign to establish the Michael A. DiPietro, Lectureship in Radiology.

Each year, an accomplished radiologist will be invited to U-M to share his or her knowledge and to exchange ideas with the radiology faculty and trainees. The Lectureship will inspire trainees, broaden understanding, and move the field of radiology forward, both at U-M and throughout the country.

"There is no such thing as 'just another case' when working with Dr. DiPietro as a trainee. Instead, every case, whether it is as 'simple' as a portable chest radiograph for line placement or as complex as a CT examination, becomes a teaching opportunity. Dr. DiPietro has a particular fondness for what he refers to as 'tell me a story' cases. These are imaging examinations . . . which a patient’s complete medical history can be elicited. It is in this reading room setting surrounded by trainees that Dr. DiPietro particularly excels." 


"After working with Dr. DiPietro during my residency and fellowship, I can still hear his voice with his major teaching points echoing in my mind. Dr. D. is a very curious man, never letting a strange observation fall through as a potential learning experience. His mind is always on teaching and learning, keeping a small notebook in his white coat pocket to which he would add interesting cases for future reference. We still keep in touch, and last I heard he is on volume 96 of that notebook, perfectly preserving the prior notebooks for future learning opportunities. His inquisitive nature is infectious and inspirational, especially to those wishing to continue the tradition of teaching future doctors, radiologists, and pediatric radiologists."


"Dr. Michael A. DiPietro has great passion for his work in pediatric radiology. Even with years of experience, he has terrific curiosity and interest for learning. Mike is always dedicated to the patient first and foremost—doing the proper study, performing the study as well as can be done, and interpreting the study with care and to the utmost benefit of the patient and their physician. On a daily basis, Mike is willing to go the extra mile to do a study better or offer a more learned and useful report. Mike is truly the “patients’ radiologist."


Michael A. DiPietro Lectureship In Radiology Invited Speakers

2021 - Cynthia K. Rigsby, M.D.

2020 - Jeanne (Mei-Mei) Chow, M.D.

2019 - Jonathan Dillman, M.D., M.Sc.

2018 - Janet R. Reid, M.D.

2017 - Diego Jaramillo, M.D.

2016 - Alan Schlesinger, M.D.

2015 - Alan Daneman, M.D.

2014 - George Taylor, M.D.