Musculoskeletal Radiology

Clinical Activities

The workday starts at 8:00 AM in both Inpatient and Outpatient Bone. There is usually a resident Noon Conference at 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM, with a schedule posted daily. Following Noon Conference, the workday will resume at approximately 1:30 PM.

Outpatient Bone

On Outpatient Bone, the student will be expected to review the films with the resident/fellow before the cases are officially staffed. The Off-Campus Satellite films will be reviewed first (films are in the Inpatient reading room on B1), followed by the remainder of the outpatient examinations (currently located in Taubman). In the late afternoon, the outpatient staff will also be reading the musculoskeletal studies which are ordered as correlative imaging for Nuclear Medicine bone scans.

Inpatient Bone

On Inpatient Bone, the day usually starts with the review of plain radiographs (located in the inpatient reading room). Thereafter, depending on the day of the week, different imaging modalities will be encountered. Many procedures are performed, so there will be ample opportunity for the student to participate.


The student will be expected to do a single case PowerPoint presentation during the last week of the rotation.


Many conferences are given, including a daily resident noon conference, 7:30 a.m. Wednesday Musculoskeletal Conference (please check Musculoskeletal staff for location). Grand Rounds is usually scheduled on Wednesday at 5:00 p.m. in the MCHC Auditorium (Room F2305 in old Mott). Attendance at all Bone conferences is mandatory, and optional at other conferences.


The following will be your tentative schedule for this elective:

Monday - Inpatient; most of MRI's performed

Tuesday - Outpatient

Wednesday - Inpatient; most of ultrasounds performed

Thursday - Inpatient; arthrograms and Rheumatology conference

Friday - Outpatient