Carly Schmidt, M.D.

Medical School: Case Western University
Residency: Brown University/Hasbro Children's Hospital

Research Interests: 
Cardiac arrest is a relatively rare event in the pediatric population, but portends a significantly poor outcome with a consistently high mortality rate among critical illnesses, and significant morbidity in survivors. I am interested in the analysis of Out-of-Hospital-Cardiac Arrest (OHCA) factors along the "Chain of Survival"; from pre-hospital bystander CPR through to hospital discharge and beyond. I am also interested in the best ways to utilize existing large datasets to answer interesting questions about critical illness. Specifically, I am using a large healthcare database to better characterize and predict morbidity in children following OHCA and using a large RCT dataset to understand the complex effects of glucose and lactate on prognosis following OHCA.

Why Michigan?
I chose Michigan for fellowship because of the people. I knew that I wanted to leave fellowship with a strong intensivist who had seen a wide array of critical illnesses, which of course Michigan offers, but knew that I wanted to feel "at home" while at work. The work-family here (attendings, co-fellows, NPs, nurses, etc.) makes hard days better and I am so glad that my sense of this on virtual interviews was correct. I am proud to say that most of the reason signout takes too long is because we are all laughing too much; it's truly a joy to work with your best friends.

Favorite thing about Ann Arbor: 
I love taking walks down Main Street- whether it's summer and we can stop at an outdoor table for a good meal or a drink, or in the winter to see the lights on the trees. My family and I like the casual dining scene with various local breweries and restaurants to explore. I also really value living somewhere that is nearby to the hospital, but still an incredibly family friendly neighborhood with parks and playgrounds and large backyard space for entertaining.