Each year the rotation schedule is designed to provide an equal experience of all fellows on inpatient service, subspecialty rotations and scholarly activity time. Currently the schedule is divided into 12 4-week rotation blocks (with an additional half-block), with some blocks split into 2-week rotations. There are a few general rules:
- The fellow attends a half-day clinic each week throughout the full three-year fellowship, regardless of the rotations.
- First and second year fellows have 4 weeks of scholarly/research time in each of their first 2 years.
- Third year fellows rotate “jeopardy” coverage where they are covering half days in PCTU/cath lab for fellows to attend their continuity clinics. They are also the go-to for urgent coverage needs due to illness/emergency. The remainder of jeopardy time is used for scholarly activity.
- Vacation (4 weeks each year) is scheduled into the first-year schedule. Second and third year fellows schedule their own vacations within their rotations.
Required Rotations by Year
First Year:
6 Inpatient Service weeks
8 Consult weeks
7 Cardiac Catheterization weeks
9 Noninvasive imaging weeks
3 Electrophysiology weeks
3 Heart Failure/Transplant weeks
4 Research/Scholarly activity weeks
Second Year:
12 Pediatric Cardiothoracic ICU weeks
4 Cardiac Catheterization weeks
8 Noninvasive imaging weeks
3 Electrophysiology weeks
3 Adult Congenital Heart Disease weeks
3 Heart Failure/Transplant weeks
4 Scholarly activity weeks
Third Year:
4 Cardiac Catheterization weeks
3 Adult Congenital Heart Disease weeks
8 Jeopardy weeks