Learning Experience

  • Train pediatric neurologists to achieve excellence in diverse patient-centered practice
  • Provide opportunities and mentorship to develop excellence centered on individual resident interests and career goals with respect to research, medical education, and advocacy
  • Provide opportunities and mentorship in a broad range of clinical and educational experiences, so that trainees can make informed fellowship and career decisions and transition smoothly to their subsequent positions
  • Graduate skilled, conscientious pediatric neurologists who practice evidence-based medicine based upon ongoing self-directed learning, analyze their own practices for quality improvement, and work to improve patient safety
  • Provide an inclusive work environment that promotes diversity and personal growth, and provides resources to maintain physician wellness and self-care
  • Extremely close and cooperative relationships between the Child Neurology, Pediatrics, and Adult Neurology training programs
  • Child Neurology continuity clinic during the Pediatrics PGY2 year
  • A month-long Neurology Bootcamp elective just before starting the PGY3 year
  • Begin Child Neurology training (along with Adult Neurology training) during the PGY3 year
  • Strong emphasis on graded autonomy and responsibility as residents advance and on continuity of care
  • Joint teaching conferences with Neonatology, Pediatric Critical Care, Pediatric Genetics, and Neuroradiology
Louis Dang, MD, PhD, CNS-CNF 2019 Philip Dodge Award recipient


  • All residents complete a mentored capstone project and present their project at the University of Michigan Neuroscience Day
  • Capstone projects include research, quality improvement, education projects, or a scholarly review
  • Most residents present a project at a national meeting and many have won local and national research awards
  • We have excellent integration across departments, and our residents have completed projects with Adult Neurology, Sleep Medicine, Genetics, Psychiatry, Neurosurgery, and basic science labs
  • We have a world-famous pediatric health service research program, CHEAR - and child neurology residents can apply for a two-year CHEAR Fellowship
  • Dr. Louis Dang, our division’s Research Director, and other members of the Resident Research Committee run our robust scholarship curriculum, including didactics and roundtable discussions
  • Our residents are eligible to apply for an NINDS Research Education Grant (R25) through the University of Michigan Clinical Neuroscientist Training Program, directed by Dr. Roger Albin  
Giulia Benedetti receiving pediatric neurology award
Giulia Benedetti, MD, 2019 CNS Postgraduate Award recipient

Quality Improvement

  • Dr. Erin Fedak, our residency’s Quality Improvement Director, has created a longitudinal quality improvement curriculum for our residents
  • Our residents have completed excellent quality improvement projects including these recent projects:
    • Increasing folic acid prescription for patients who could become pregnant who take anti-seizure medications
    • Increasing screening for mental health disorders in clinic
    • Reducing unconscious bias in our resident selection process

Residents as Educators

  • Our residents teach each other in a self-designed neuroanatomy series, with input and feedback from our education experts
  • Division-wide meetings for faculty and residents are dedicated to educational methods and skills
  • Our residents can participate in CoMET (Community of Medical Educators in Training), a program designed for residents and fellows aiming to become the next generation of clinician-educators

Global Health

  • Global health electives are offered in both the Pediatric and Child Neurology residency programs, with interested faculty to assist with mentoring
  • Global REACH is a university organization which facilitates worldwide clinical, educational, and research collaborations


Dr. Sarah Dixon, Dr. Haley Marber, and Dr. Sarah Frankl at the 2023 Michigan AAP State Advocacy Day in Lansing, MI
  •  Dr. Sarah Dixon, our residency’s Advocacy Director, leads an advocacy curriculum with lectures and an annual “Spring into Action” advocacy challenge
  • Advocacy mentorship begins during the PGY1 year to explore advocacy interests with potential to implement longitudinal advocacy projects throughout residency