April 12, 2022

Children as Young as 8 Should Be Screened for Anxiety, Experts Recommend

Dr. Nasuh Malas is quoted in this Wall Street Journal article. 

link to the original article


All children should be screened for anxiety starting as young as 8 years old, government-backed experts recommended, providing fresh guidance as doctors and parents warn of a worsening mental-health crisis among young people in the pandemic’s wake.


“What the pandemic has done is, it exacerbated a pre-existing issue,” said Nasuh Malas, director of pediatric consultation and liaison psychiatry services at C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital in Ann Arbor, Mich., who isn’t on the task force. “These guidelines are a preliminary step to many, many steps that we need to take nationally as a community of people who are concerned about our youth.”
