Grading Policy

Breakdown of Grade Calculation:

60% Clinical Evaluations
25% NBME Psychiatry Exam (SHELF)
10% Short Answer Vignette Exam (SAVE)
5% Professionalism Points

Target Distribution of Clerkship Grades:

25-30% Honors
40-45% High Pass
25-35% Pass


To receive a passing grade for the clerkship:

  1. A student’s composite score from clinical evaluations must be ≥3.
  2. A student’s SHELF exam score must be ≥ 67.
  3. A student’s SAVE exam score must be ≥ 65.
  4. Students must complete all required assignments and submit the required forms, including:
    1. Required Clinical Experiences: Students need to log a minimum of 25 patient entries and allcore conditions by the last day of the rotation, which is generally when exams are taken.
    2. Documentation Feedback Forms: Students need to submit signed attestations from Faculty that they completed a minimum of 2 Psychiatry H&P’s that were reviewed by that Faculty member. The signed forms are due on the last day of the rotation, which is generally when exams are taken.
    3. BLUE Patient Encounter Cards: A minimum of 3 BLUE Patient Encounter Cards must be submitted by the last day of the rotation, which is generally when exams are taken. In addition, students must demonstrate to a Faculty member ALL 6 clinical skills found on the encounter cards. Faculty members will attest they have directly observed the student performing each of the following skills: Depression Review of Symptoms, Suicide Risk Assessment, Mental Status Exam, Bedside Cognitive Exam, Oral Case Presentation of a Psychiatric Assessment, and a discussion with attending of proposed Treatment Plan.
    4. Attendance at AA Meeting and written reflection submitted in CANVAS which is due by the last day of the rotation, which is generally when exams are taken.
    5. Completion of all required CANVAS assignments by the assigned deadline.
    6. Evaluations of faculty and resident teaching should be completed by the last day of the rotation. Evaluations of clerkship should be completed 2 weeks after the last day of the rotation.
    7. A student receives all Professionalism points if the requirements are completed/submitted by the established due dates.

Policy on Exam/Clerkship Failure

  1. If a student fails the SHELF exam, the student will receive an “I/A” grade. If a student fails the SAVE, the student will receive an “I” grade. The exam(s) must be remediated. If the student successfully completes the remediation activity, then the highest grade the student can receive for the Psychiatry clerkship is “PASS.” If the student fails the remediation, then the entire Psychiatry clerkship must be repeated.
  2. If a student’s composite clinical score is <3, the student will receive a “FAIL” grade, and must repeat the clerkship.

Additional Notes on Grading and Exams

Clinical Performance

Evaluations of your clinical performance will be completed by faculty, residents, and staff who have worked with you. In order to complete an evaluation, supervisors should have sufficient contact time with the student (generally a minimum of two half-days).

Shelf Exam Score

Your “Equated Percent Correct Score” (EPCS) will be reported by the NBME. An EPCS of 66 or below is considered failing. In order to be eligible for HONORS, a student’s shelf score must be the average or greateramongst their peers in their rotation track.

Patient Encounter Log

You are required to keep an online log of the patients you have encountered using the Required Clinical Experiences program. All patients you have contact with should be listed in this log, including those you see as inpatient, outpatient, consults, ECT and in the Psychiatric Emergency Room (PES). The minimum number of encounters is 25.

You are required to see and log at least one patient in each of the following six core categories: Anxiety Disorders, Depressive Disorders, Altered Mental Status, Psychosis, Substance-related Disorders, and Suicidal Ideation.  If you do not see the patient at the “primary” site listed, you must complete the remediation activity.

Our office will monitor the log entries each week. Please complete entries on a regular basis throughout the clerkship. By the end of the second clinical week, you are expected to have logged 3 of the 6 core conditions. By the end of the clerkship, you must log at least 25 different patient encounters. Additional information is provided at this web page: