May 7, 2020

Pharmacy students from Vicki Ellingrod’s lab produce hand sanitizer

They have been filling the shortfall of necessary sanitary supplies by making hand sanitizer for local community organizations

Dr. Ellingrod

Faculty member Vicki Ellingrod’s lab has prepared close to 200 gallons of hand sanitizer which will help keep our essential community workers safe. Dr. Elllingrod is John Gideon Searle Professor of Pharmacy and Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Education, College of Pharmacy; Professor of Psychiatry, Medical School; and Adjunct Professor of Psychology, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts.

The FDA released guidance with recommendations for appropriate preparation of hand sanitizer in response to the COVID-19 shortage. Pharmacy Dean James Dalton said he connected with Michigan Medicine about a partnership after a faculty member proposed the idea last week.

The college and hospital teamed to procure ingredients, develop a recipe and establish temporary compounding operations in pharmacy space at the hospital.

Read the full story here.