Resident Wellness

We have a supportive culture that is part of a family-oriented community. We work hard together and value diversity and wellness.

 Our program features various wellness initiatives and we promote:

  • Work-life balance
  • Family inclusiveness
  • Specific resident-initiated events
  • Healthy snacks
  • Community of appreciation and respect

Residents highlight their experience in their own words.

Escape room outing

Ann Arbor escape room outing with residents and significant others

Residents at the ASTRO conference

Residents at the departmental gathering at the ASTRO conference

Fabulous Ladies of Rad Onc

An informal group affectionately dubbed "FLORO" (the Fabulous Ladies of Radiation Oncology) having a painting party

Residents at the UM vs Nebraska game

Residents wearing their colors at the Big House (UM vs. Nebraska)


