In 2018, the American Psychological Association published more than 4,000 articles in its robust collection of 89 journals. The APA released a Top 10 list of the most downloaded articles of 2018, and at #1 is a novel review that lays out, for the first time, reporting standards for qualitative research in the field of psychology. The article was co-authored by John W Creswell Ph.D., adjunct professor and leading scholar in the field of mixed methodology. The paper is the product of a working group of the APA Publications and Communications Board that was formed for the expressed purpose of creating journal article reporting standards for qualitative research.The paper provides useful guidelines for authors on what should be included in a qualitative research report, as well as in qualitative meta-analyses and mixed-methods research reports. The paper covers a range of qualitative traditions, methods and reporting styles. It presents the voluntary standards and their rationale, details the ways they differ from quantitative research reporting standards and describes how they can be used by authors as well as by reviewers and editors. The goal of the work is to help authors communicate their work clearly, accurately and transparently.
The paper's lead author is Heidi M. Levitt, Professor of Psychology at the University of Massachusetts Boston. Additional authors include Michael Bamberg, David M. Frost, Ruthellen Josselson, and Carola Suárez-Orozco.
Article citation: Levitt, H. M., Bamberg, M., Creswell, J. W., Frost, D. M., Josselson, R., & Suárez-Orozco, C. (2018). Journal article reporting standards for qualitative primary, qualitative meta-analytic, and mixed methods research in psychology: The APA Publications and Communications Board task force report. American Psychologist, 73(1), 26-46. DOI: 10.1037/amp0000151
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