January 9, 2017

Dr. Katherine Gold's research featured in Washington Post

A moving editorial by Stanford resident Dr. Nathaniel P. Morris leads with Dr. Gold's recent study on mental health disclosure among female physicians.


Screenshot of Washington Post online opinion article with title  Why doctors are leery about seeking mental health care for themselves
January 7, 2017 Washington Post article cites recent research from assistant professor Katherine Gold, M.D., M.S.W., M.S. while discussing the challenges physicians face in managing and disclosing their personal mental health issues


The latest published study by Katherine Gold, M.D., M.S.W., M.S., assistant professor in the Department of Family Medicine and depression and reproductive and women's health researcher, has struck a chord with academic and non-academic audiences alike, with mentions from to the White House. In the Washington Post this week, guest op-ed writer Nathaniel P. Morris grounded his analysis in Dr. Gold's latest publication in General Hospital Psychiatry.

Dr. Morris is currently a resident physician at Stanford and a recent graduate of Harvard Medical School. In the piece, he reflects on his experiences with depression in medical school and the fear that drove him to delay treatment and support. Despite his prestigious medical training and accomplishments, Dr. Morris feared how a record of mental illness could hinder his career aspirations, namely, as a future barrier in the medical licensure process. Dr. Morris is in the midst of applying for his medical license now, and he leaves the reader with one last question, "Should I have kept quiet?"

Dr. Gold's current research focuses in on that key process, medical licensure, and the role it may play in driving physicians to hide and defer treatment for mental health conditions.  

Find the Washington Post piece here
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