
Our Longitudinal Mentorship Program Adapts to Individual Needs

Longitudinal Program

Typically in August of PGY2, Dr. Hearn looks to pair each resident with a professional mentor, based on career and development interests. A mentor can be a valuable contact for discussing a wide range of topics, from fellowship preparation to having a family during residency.  Mentors may open doors by identifying opportunities and professional connections, based on a resident's interests and talents.  Mentors and mentees are encouraged to meet several times per year during PGY2, and we start it out with a mentorship meet-and-greet appetizer event.  It's great to know there's someone looking out for you specifically, outside of the Program Directors!  

Toward the end of PGY2 year, mentors and mentees reflect on the year and decide if the formal mentorship relationship will continue, or if it will transition to a more ad hoc style.  While most residents choose to stay with their original mentors, many find that other natural mentorship relationships arise along the way and end up recognizing multiple or different mentors.  

Situational Mentorship

Additionally, mentorship needs and interests often arise in a situational context-- say, as interviews are approaching, or an exam is upcoming. The Program Director group has collected information from faculty who have volunteered themselves as resources in a number of areas.  Some of these include work-life balance, studying for standardized tests, academic confidence, public speaking, managing team dynamics, interpreting scientific literature, running an inpatient unit, and networking.  Our goal is to connect people to one another and to opportunities. 

Attending National and Regional Conferences Enables Residents to Join a Community

"Traveling to conferences and meeting other experts who enjoy the same aspects of PM&R as do you is a fantastic way to get to know the field and to begin to belong to part of larger professional community. When I attended an electrodiagnostic conference as a PGY-4, I was fascinated to see and ask about the variations in how others approach diagnostic evaluation of common conditions. At the same time, recognizing the fundamental similarities also helped me ground myself in the evidence basis. I began to meet colleagues at a similar level of professional development who share my passions, and I look forward to seeing them each year!  I'd like every resident to have the chance to attend at least two conferences-- whether for research or a more clinical focus; whether general PM&R or subspecialty-specific.
- Sandra Hearn, Program Director

The residency program provides time and funding for PGY4s to attend the AAPM&R's Annual assembly in the fall. Many residents choose to travel together and explore networking events and job/fellowship fairs. In addition, our Supplemental Professional Development Opportunities (SPDO) Program, initiated in 2019, provides significant funding toward enabling each resident attend one additional conference of his/her choosing. Additional academic days are also often used for local and regional conferences. Residents returning from conferences share insights with colleagues at a monthly program director lunch, and submit a brief reflection. In this manner, we bring knowledge PM&R trends back home for one another, and share ideas on what opportunities hold value!

The SPDO program is supported by the generosity of our donors through the Christopher Family SOAR Fund and the Sally Paterson Fund.


Interdepartmental Programs Develop Leaders in Administration, Education, & Healthcare Equity


The following longitudinal programs are available at the University of Michigan. Residents can apply, with program director support:


  • Healthcare Administration Scholars' Program (HASP): a 20 month educational experience designed for house officers interested in pursuing healthcare administration as part of their careers. The primary goal of this program is to better prepare graduates to succeed in a leadership position in their field, which may require healthcare administration skills.  Additionally, the program would allow participants to establish a network for future collaboration.  


PM&R Participants

2023 - 2025: Jarrod Buchanon, DO

2021 - 2023: Alex Brahmsteadt, DO

2020 - 2022: Sara Rosenblum, MD

2019 - 2021: Johan Latorre, MD

2018 - 2020: Harris Imam, MD

2017 - 2019: Cory Wernimont, MD             

 2016 - 2018: Joel Castellanos, MD


  • Community of Medical Educations in Training (CoMET): A trainee-designed, trainee-led, graduate medical education program.  Biweekly 90-minute sessions focus on both the development of practical teaching skills with structured opportunities for practice and feedback, as well as the opportunity to design and implement a medical education-focused scholarly project.


PM&R Participants:

2019 - 2020: Brendan McNeish, MD

2017 - 2018: Elisabeth Acker, DO

2016 - 2017: Kendall Buraimoh, MD

2015-2016: Rebecca McConnell, DO


  • Healthcare Equity and Quality Scholars Program (HEQSP): A 14-month certificate program supported by the Office for Health Equity and Inclusion and the Graduate Medical Education Office. It addresses cultural humility and social determinants of health, and provides foundational instruction on quality improvement.  It supports trainees in a project design to measure and eliminate healthcare disparities in their clinical domain.  


PM&R Participants:

2023 – 2024: Tahsin Choudhury, DO

2020 - 2021: Eboni Reed, MD

PM&R Residency: 
Vision  |  People  |  Perspectives  |  Education  |  Clinical  |  Research  |  Life  |  Development  |  Applying  |  Media