Rowan Rosewarne, PharmD, MPH

PGY1 Pharmacy Resident


Hometown: Huntsville, Alabama

Pharmacy School: Samford University McWhorter School of Pharmacy

Why did you choose Michigan's residency program? 

I loved how intentional the preceptors and residents were in getting to know me and my goals for my residency year. Michigan offers amazing opportunities to grow professionally through research and writing projects, the teaching and research series, committee participation, and partnership with the School of Pharmacy. Not only that, but Michigan prioritizes resident wellness through mentorship, wellness initiatives, and designated holiday time off.

Research Topic: Impact of Initial Benzodiazepine Dosing on the Escalation of Antiepileptic Medication Therapy for the Termination of Pediatric Status Epilepticus

Writing Topic: Treatment of symptomatic acute crashing pulmonary edema

Hobbies outside of pharmacy: Concerts, trivia, sports, hiking with my dog, and hanging out with friends and family

Favorite Book: Saving CeeCee Honeycutt by Beth Hoffman

Favorite Movie: Dallas Buyers Club

Favorite restaurant in Ann Arbor: Condado Tacos

Advice for future residents:  It is important to know your "why" behind doing a residency. Residency is designed to get you lots of experience condensed into one year which can inevitably lead to some very stressful times. Remembering why you decided to do this crazy year, will help motivate you across the finish line. It is also important to know you aren't going through it alone- lean on the people around you whether it is your co-residents, friends from home, or family.