Nohal (Nano) Mekkaoui, PharmD

PGY1 Managed Care (UM PDP) Pharmacy Resident


Hometown: Dearborn Heights, MI

Pharmacy School: University of Michigan 

Why did you choose Michigan's residency program? I selected Michigan's Residency Program due to its abundant opportunities for engagement, a wealth of experienced mentors, and the expansive pharmacy community it offers.

Research Topic: Real-World Clinical and Economic Outcomes of an Adalimumab Biosimilar Switch Program

Writing Topic: The Essential Guide to Annual Wellness Visits: What You Need to Know

Hobbies outside of pharmacy: Peloton/Cyclebar, traveling, spending time with family and friends, and reading 

Favorite Book: Atomic Habits by James Clear

Favorite Movie: Black Panther

Favorite restaurant in Ann Arbor: Sava's

Advice for future residents: The residency year will go by so quickly. I encourage you to make the most of every opportunity, approach each experience with a receptive mindset for learning, and remember to enjoy the ride!