Kevin Johns, PharmD

PGY2 Critical Care Pharmacy Resident


Hometown: Las Vegas, NV

Pharmacy School: UIC College of Pharmacy

Why did you choose Michigan's residency program? 

I chose Michigan because, as a critical care resident, the program offers a wide range of ICU rotations as well as the opportunity to round out my skills in the emergency staffing as part of the clinical staffing weekends. Michigan’s residency program also sets its residents up to be strong candidates for future positions with multiple presentation and publication opportunities. Lastly, I wanted a bigger residency class to help get me through the year, and Michigan definitely offered that as well!

Research Topic: Weight-Based Dose Response to 23.4% Sodium Chloride

Writing Topic: Antibiotic Dosing Considerations in ECMO

Hobbies outside of pharmacy: Going to Michigan games, eating sushi, trying all the different milkshake flavors at Steak and Shake

Favorite Book: Huckleberry Finn

Favorite Movie: Southpaw

Favorite restaurant in Ann Arbor: Krazy Jim’s Blimpy Burger

Advice for future residents: Take advantage of as many learning opportunities as you can during these training years, but also don’t be afraid to say no if you already have too much on your plate.