Alan Yee, PharmD, MS

PGY2 Investigational Drug and Research Pharmacy Resident
PGY1 Pharmacy/Investigational Drug and Research Pharmacy Resident '23


Hometown: Poughkeepsie

Pharmacy School: University of Pittsburgh

Why did you choose Michigan's residency program? Michigan Medicine's research pharmacy is one the largest in the country and has an incredibly wide scope of practice. It was the second IDS residency to be established and the most prevalent investigational drug documentation system (Vestigo) was developed in our research pharmacy. 

Research Topic: 

  • PGY1: Characterizing Investigational Products on Home Medication Lists
  • PGY2: Assessing Availability and Access to Pharmacy Services for Research Participants 

Writing Topic: 

PGY1:Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Clinical Trials

PGY2: Hidden Hazards: Mitigating Risks for Investigational Drugs

Hobbies outside of pharmacy: Hiking, biking, building computers, photography, learning about very random things

Favorite Book: The Giver

Favorite Movie: Saving Private Ryan

Favorite restaurant in Ann Arbor: MAIZ Mexican Cantina

Advice for future residents: Ask questions about the scope of research projects you're considering. Asking if sample sizes have been calculated or doing the calculations yourself helps avoid confusion later. Also schedule your PTO days.