May 30, 2018

New Tools Help Weigh Benefits and Risks of Lung Cancer Screening

Team led by Tanner Caverly, MD, MPH develops online decision-making tools for providers and patients around lung CT scans.

Caverly authored a study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine which provided the foundation for a new patient tool called which allows patients to explore the Benefits and Harms of Screening and also use the Lung Cancer Risk Calculator. Another product of the study is Lung Decision Precision, a tool designed for clinicians to help those providers better interact with their patients around the question of whether a lung CT scan is right for them. "It's really about personalizing care, thinking about you as an individual and really refining it based on the benefits and harms for you and also incorporating your preferences." Says Caverly in a new video which explains the tools and their purpose.

The tools are getting wide coverage in University of Michigan outlets, online medical publications and other media