Areas of Interest
I am interested in predictive analytics, natural language processing, visualization that engages and invites exploration, and critical evaluation of the results of analyses to ensure that they really say what they claim to say. Clinical domains of interest include patient attendance and cancellation patterns, continuity of care, facilitating standardized caries risk assessment in the EHR, tailored messaging for patients, impacts of EHR replacement, and patient retention between the emergency visit and ongoing care.
Published Articles or Reviews
Simon, L., Singh Dhaliwal, G., Liu, C.H.J., Sharma, P., Thomas, S., Bettag, S., Weber, K.G., Timothé, P. and Nalliah, R.P., 2019. Characteristics of Patients Discontinuing Care. Dentistry journal, 7(2), p.31.
Weber K, Eber R, DaSilva A, Dault JT, Huner K, Jones D, Lapidos A, Ramaswamy V, Snyder M, Ward B, Nalliah RP, 2021. Using business intelligence and data visualization to understand the characteristics of failed appointments in dental school clinics. J Dent Edu 85(4) 521-530. PMID: 33508149. doi: 10.1002/jdd.12538
Manuscripts in preparation/submitted for review
Weber K, Jones D, Kornman K, Nalliah RP, Vydiswaran V. (in preparation) Using graph community detection algorithms to identify clusters of patients with similar underlying needs.
Weber K. (2019). Integrating Qualtrics and Canvas for Clinical Grading. Given at the University of Michigan Qualtrics Summit., Ann Arbor, MI
Weber K. (2019). The Computable Patient History - Using Natural Language Processing and Graph Databases to Bring Text Health Histories to Life. Accepted for the University of Michigan IT Symposium (2019), Ann Arbor, MI
Weber K, Eber R, DaSilva A, Dault JT, Huner K, Jones D, Lapidos A, Ramaswamy V, Snyder M, Ward B, Nalliah RP. (2018) Using Data Analytics to Understand Characteristics of Failed and Kept Appointments. Poster presented at the Learning Health Systems Symposium, Ann Arbor, MI
Weber K, Eber R, DaSilva A, Dault JT, Huner K, Jones D, Lapidos A, Ramaswamy V, Snyder M, Ward B, Nalliah RP. (2018) Using Data Analytics to Understand Characteristics of Failed and Kept Appointments. Poster presented at the Precision Health Symposium, Ann Arbor, MI
Springfield, E, Weber, K. (2018). Data that Plays Well with Others: Extending Canvas with APIs. Poster presented at the Michigan IT Symposium, Ann Arbor, MI