August 2, 2016

Frequent flyers FYI: two-factor authentication coming for remote access

New remote logon protocols could soon impact faculty who access their university accounts and files while traveling.

The University of Michigan Health System is currently in the process of implementing a new two-factor authentication (2FA) tool called Duo.  Duo will help enhance IT system and information security by requiring the presence of at least two authorization components. In other words, instead of simply using a password to gain access to an account, a user may need an additional method, such as a “token” or passcode, to prove he or she is truly the account holder and the one logging into the account remotely. Once implemented this fall, 2FA will help protect against online fraud and unauthorized access, as well as help us to meet HIPAA compliance requirements.

The new system and protocols will impact users with remote, or VPN, access, whether logging in to the system from home on the weekend, or from abroad for extended periods. Below, find a few resources to learn more.

Two-Factor Authentication

VPN - Cisco AnyConnect Client Authentication with Duo Two-Factor Security

Traveling with Duo

If you have questions, please contact the UMHS Service Desk at (734) 936-8000.