Our CDLC Physicians

University of Michigan Expertise and Quality

The Cosmetic Dermatology & Laser Center (CDLC) is part of the world-class Michigan Medicine. Our physicians are board-certified dermatologists, with specialized knowledge and medical expertise in skin. They practice solely at Michigan Medicine. Your CDLC physician provides both your initial consultation and your recommended treatment plan, including laser therapy and advanced cosmetic procedures. Our caring and experienced nursing staff assist in the care of our patients before, during, and after procedures.

Director, Cosmetic Dermatology & Laser Center (CDLC)
Chief, Division of Cosmetic Dermatology
Professor and Service Chief, Department of Dermatology

Milad Eshaq, M.D.

Assistant Professor, Department of Dermatology

Jennifer Mancuso, M.D.

Assistant Professor, Dermatology
Assistant Professor, Pediatrics