James Cooke and Deborah Rooney will explore how COVID has placed enormous stresses on our system with disruptions to how we teach and how learners engage at the next Academy of Medical Education seminar on April 26, 2021. Rooney and Cooke assert that times of crisis can also be opportunities for innovation and will describe how the CSC simulation center has remained open through the pandemic with an innovation hub that has responded creatively with changes in educational design. This seminar will review these activities along with new collaborations so as to engage participants in future opportunities.
Academy of Medical Educators Monthly Seminar
Date: April 26 (Monday), 2021
Time: 5:30 – 7:00 pm
Topic: The Simulation Center as a Hub for Innovations in Medical Education
Leads: Deborah Rooney and James Cooke
Zoom Link: Join Zoom Meeting https://umich-health.zoom.us/j/96233573282
Meeting ID: 962 3357 3282
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