Brittney Longeway-Spadafora

Administrative Specialist Senior Health

I started at UofM in October of 2008 as a temporary employee while I was going to college at Madonna University. I rotated through all admin areas in CDB and really enjoyed the work I was doing. I was offered a job as the HR Manager when I received my Bachelor’s Degree. I handle all HR hiring (including GSRA/GSI appointments), processing all HR changes, faculty promotions, visas, volunteers, building access, keys, and room scheduling. I also have the honor of being the Administrator of the Michigan Pioneer Postdoctoral Program (MP3). I enjoy working, spending time with my fiancé, my family and my puppy- Harper. I love being outside at the lake and helping people in any way that I can.

109 Zina Pitcher Place, 3059 BSRB
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2200
