Quality of Life Tools

The creation and use of health-related Quality of Life (QOL or HRQOL) tools has been a important part of the Department of Urology research portfolio for over 20 years. Initial work began when Dr. John Wei, as part of his fellowship, worked with Dr. Martin Sanda and Rodney Dunn to modify and expand the UCLA Prostate Cancer Index (PCI) to create the Expanded Prostate cancer Index Composite (EPIC).  EPIC is now the preeminent tool used worldwide to measure health-related outcomes for men with localized prostate cancer, having been translated into at least 13 other languages or dialects in addition to English.  The Urology team has built on this expertise to create 3 additional QOL instruments, measuring bladder cancer outcomes (BCI), incontinence assessment (M-ISI), and surgical convalescence after GU surgery (CARE).


EPIC - Expanded Prostate cancer Index Composite

BCI - Bladder Cancer Index

CARE - Convalescense And Recovery Evaluation

M-ISI - Michigan Incontinence Symptom Index