Can Beser, M.D.

Class of 2024
Dokuz Eylül School of Medicine


I am from Turkey, where I went to medical school and completed training in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. The University of Michigan was a great fit for me to pursue general psychiatry training with excellent exposure to a broad range of psychiatric disorders and the opportunity to work in different clinical environments. During my training here at the University of Michigan, I have been impressed by the support and mentorship from faculty members, and the camaraderie of my co-residents. I enjoy reading, traveling, and exploring the great outdoors of Ann Arbor and Michigan.

Areas of Interest

  • Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
  • Neurodevelopmental Disorders
  • Early presentations of mood and psychotic disorders
  • Addiction
  • Telemedicine


  • M.D., Dokuz Eylül School of Medicine, 2013