Long-Term Training Opportunity in Developmental Behavioral Pediatrics at the University of Michigan

The long-term training (LTT) program in Developmental Behavioral Pediatrics (DBP) at the University of Michigan (UM) is seeking applications for the 2025-26 year. If you are interested in expanding your pediatric clinical care to include a DBP-related focus, consider applying for this training by April 1st 2025. Two LTTs may be entered for the 2025-26 year.


  • A goal of the LTT DBP program is to empower primary care providers (PCPs) to provide high-quality, DBP-related care within their own practices. Confidence in DBP-related care is developed through clinical experiences in area(s) of the LTT’s interest under the mentorship of DBP faculty.  
  • Another goal is to improve the coordination and collaboration between DBP and PCP providers to expedite DBP-related care in the best interests of the children and families we serve. 

Training consists of a minimum of 300 hours over the course of 9-12 months. Your practice must allow time to attend Tuesday AM didactics and up to 3 additional half-day per month to attend or work on other training activities. The general breakdown of time in training is:

  • 100-120 hours 
    • Didactics/case conference on Tuesday AMs 9-11:30a
      • clinical lectures
      • public health topics 
      • trauma-informed care/reflective practice
      • Observation of ADOS and other DBP-related assessment tools in Boot Camp; several ½-day sessions in summer (late July and mid-later August)
      • Other: advocacy, telehealth, psychopharmacology, QI, etc. 
    • Online ADOS training (tentative depending on funding available)  
  • 80-100 hours observation in clinics
    • Observation in ~20+ half-day clinics with direct mentorship from UM DBP faculty
  • Assessments for Autism Spectrum Disorder and other neurodevelopmental disabilities (e.g., ADHD, FASD). 
  • Other areas are also available for training depending on the physician’s personal interests. For example, if the trainee has interest in behavioral sleep concerns, neonatal-early child parent-child relationships, or elimination disorders, then clinical observations could be devoted to such area(s). 
  • 80+ hours – depending on PCP’s interest: 
    • Design of DBP-related care in your practice 
    • Quality improvement
    • Advocacy
    • Educator
    • Scholarship/research

Eligibility of LTT applicants, financial support and certificate:

  • PCPs who have completed a residency in an ACGME- or AOA-accredited program in pediatrics or family medicine and are certified or board eligible in their area will be eligible to apply for the LTT DBP program. 
  • One internal UM PCP position will be available and we can provide a small stipend to support some percent of time spent in the LT training. As this stipend is from federal grant support it does not cover fringe benefits and is not taxed. Therefore, the PCP’s practice must be willing to cover fringes and the trainee must plan to save for the taxes.
  • One external PCP position will be available. This PCP would come from a practice or institution outside of UM. We will not have funds at this time to support time in training for the external applicants. 
  • Both positions will require an appointment in the Division of Developmental Behavioral Pediatrics at the University of Michigan with education privileges (Practicing Specialist Gaining Additional Training).
  • LTTs will receive a certificate stating that the LTT DBP Program at UM was completed. However, there is not a “certification” pathway established yet for this type of advanced training.

Please upload the following information:

  • Resume/CV
  • Your goals for the LTT-DBP program training and your vision for implementing DBP skills in your current practice. (300 words or less)
  • A letter of reference

Applications are due by April 1st.