February 2017 News

Diabetic eye graphic
February 17, 2017

Diabetic Eye Issues a Growing Problem in Youth with the Disease

A large, national study conducted by resident physician Sophia Wang, MD, with Joshua Stein, MD, MS, and Thomas Gardner, MD, MS, suggest youths with T1DM or T2DM exhibit a considerable risk for diabetic retinopathy and should undergo regular screenings by eye-care professionals to ensure timely DR diagnosis and limit progression to vision-

Woman receiving an eye exam
February 6, 2017

To provide better eye care, ask more questions in advance

Maria Woodward, MD, MS, an assistant professor of ophthalmology and visual sciences at U-M Kellogg Eye Center, is first author of a study showing wide disparities in the content of pre-appointment patient questionnaires and what a clinician wrote down in to