Troels Staehelin Jensen, MD

Troels Staehelin Jensen, MD

Aarhus University (Denmark)
Director, International Diabetic Neuropathy Consortium
Professor, Experimental and Clinical Pain Research
Professor, Neurology Aarhus University Hospital

Areas of Interest

Diagnosing and treating pain in peripheral and central nervous system disorders

Dr. Jensen' research is focused on pain in peripheral and central nervous diseases, most recently  diabetic neuropathy. His expertise has led to new classifications and treatments for pain in peripheral nerve injuries, spinal cord injury, and CNS disorders, such as MS and stroke. He is currently leading an initiative on diabetic neuropathy that focuses on pathophysiology, epidemiology, and diagnostic classifications. 


  • MD, Aarhus University, 1972
  • DMSc, Aarhus University, 1986
  • Clinical fellowship, La Salpétrière Hospital, Paris, France
  • Research Fellowship, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, USA and University of California San Diego, San Diego CA, USA
  • Residency, Neurology, University Hospitals in Denmark

Published Articles or Reviews