Alexander (Alex) Hallway Health Infrastructures and Learning Systems (HILS) PhD Student Manager of Research and Operations, Core Optimization Hernia Registry, Michigan Medicine [email protected] LinkedIn
Beth Hansemann Health Infrastructures and Learning Systems (HILS) Online MS Student Continuous Improvement Specialist, Ophthalmology, Michigan Medicine [email protected]
Azia Harris-Martin, MPH Health Infrastructures and Learning Systems PhD Student Chief Programs Officer, Department of Health, Human, and Veterans Services at Wayne County, Michigan [email protected] LinkedIn Twitter: @askaziahm
Ariella Hoffman-Peterson Precision Health Program Certificate Student School of Public Health PhD Student in Health Services Organization and Policy
David Horton, MS Health Infrastructures and Learning Systems (HILS) PhD Student [email protected] LinkedIn
Florence (Flora) Hurley Health Infrastructures and Learning Systems (HILS) Online MS Student Medical Assistant, Johns Hopkins Health System [email protected] LinkedIn