Shore Laboratory Publications

  • Marks KL, Martel DT, Wu C, Basura GJ, Roberts LE, Schvartz-Leyzac KC, Shore SE. Auditory-somatosensory bimodal stimulation desynchronizes brain circuitry to reduce tinnitus in guinea pigs and humans. Sci Transl Med, 2018. 10(422). pii: eaal3175. 
  • Le Prell CG, Dolan DF, Hughes LF, Altschuler RA, Shore SE, and Bledsoe SC, Jr. Disruption of Lateral Olivocochlear Neurons with a Dopaminergic Neurotoxin Depresses Spontaneous Auditory Nerve Activity Neuroscience Letters: In Press, 2014.
  • Stefanescu RA, Koehler S and Shore SE. Stimulus-timing dependent modifications of rate-level functions in animals with and without tinnitus. Journal of Neurophysiology, In Press. 2014.
  • Koehler S and Shore SE. Stimulus-timing dependent plasticity in dorsal cochlear nucleus is altered in tinnitus. Journal of Neuroscience, 33 (50):19647-56, 2013.
  • Koehler S and Shore SE. Stimulus-timing dependence of auditory-somatosensory bimodal plasticity in dorsal cochlear nucleus neurons. PLOS ONE: 8, 3, e59828, 2013.
  • Zeng, C, Yang, Z, Shreve, L, Bledsoe SC, Shore SE. Somatosensory Projections to Cochlear Nucleus are Upregulated after Long-term Unilateral Deafness. Journal of Neuroscience, 32(45):15791–15801, 2012.
  • Dehmel, S, Eisinger D and Shore SE. Gap prepulse inhibition and auditory brainstem evoked potentials as objective measures for tinnitus in guinea pigs. Frontiers in Neuroscience. 6, 42-55, 2012.
  • Basura GJ, Koehler SD and Shore SE. Conservation of Brainstem Multi-Sensory Integration in Auditory Cortex. Brain Research, 1485:95-107, 2012.
  • Turner, J, Larson, D, Hughes, L, Moechars, D., and Shore SE. Time course of tinnitus development following noise exposure in mice. Journal of Neuroscience Research 90, 7, 1480-1488, 2012.
  • Dehmel, S, Pradhan, S, Koehler, SC, Bledsoe S, and Shore, SE. "Noise over-exposure alters long-term somatosensory-auditory processing in the dorsal cochlear nucleus - possible basis for tinnitus-related hyperactivity?" Journal of Neuroscience 32: 5, 1660-71, 2012
  • Shore, SE. Plasticity of somatosensory inputs to the cochlear nucleus Implications for tinnitus. Hearing Research. 281, 38-46, 2011.
  • Koehler, Pradhan, S S, Manis P, and Shore SE. Somatosensory inputs modify auditory spike timing in dorsal cochlear nucleus principal cells. European Journal of Neuroscience, 33:3, 409-420, 2011.
  • Zeng, C, Shroff, H., Shore SE. Cuneate and Spinal Trigeminal Nucleus Projections to the Cochlear Nucleus are Differentially Associated with Vesicular Glutamate Transporter2. Neuroscience, 17: 142-51, 2011.
  • Roberts, LE, Eggermont, JJ, Caspary, DM, Shore, SE, Melcher, J and Kaltenbach, J. Ringing Ears: The Neuroscience of Tinnitus. Journal of Neuroscience 30:45, 14972-14979, 2010.
  • Merriam, Sister ME, Dehmel S, Srivannavit O, Shore SE, Wise KD. A Three-Dimensional 160-Site Microelectrode Array for Cochlear Nucleus Mapping. IEEE Trans Biomed Eng 58:2, 397-403, 2010.
  • Zhou, J, Cui, Y, Zeng, C, Shore, S. Vesicular glutamate transporter 2 is associated with the cochlear nucleus commissural pathway. Journal of ARO, 11, 4, 675-687 2010.
  • Bledsoe, SC, Koehler S, Tucci D, Le Prell, Zhou J, and Shore SE, Contralateral excitation of VCN units following cochlear damage is mediated by CN-commissural and peri-olivary neurons. Journal of Neurophysiology 102: 2, 886-900, 2009.
  • Zeng C, Nannapaneni N, Zhou, J and Shore SE. Cochlear damage changes the distribution of vesicular glutamate transporters associated with auditory nerve or non-auditory inputs to the cochlear nucleus. Journal of Neuroscience, 29: 4210-7, 2009.
  • Dehmel S, Cui Y and Shore SE. Cross-modal interactions of auditory and somatic inputs in the brainstem and midbrain and their imbalance in tinnitus and deafness. American Journal of Audiology, 17:2, S193-209, 2008. 
  • Zhou J and Shore SE. Vesicular glutamate transporters 1 and 2 are differentially associated with auditory nerve and spinal trigeminal inputs to the cochlear nucleus. J. Comp. Neurol. 500:4, 777-787, 2007.
  • Shore, S. Koehler, M. Oldakowski, L. F. Hughes and S. Syed. Dorsal cochlear nucleus responses to somatosensory stimulation are enhanced after noise-induced hearing loss. European Journal of Neuroscience 27:155-168, 2008. (see press release <>)
  • Saul, S., Altschuler, RA, Shore, SE, Kabara, LL, Halsey, LL, Dolan D, Zhou, J and Glaser, T. Math5 expression and function in the central auditory system, Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience, 37:153-169, 2008.
  • Shore, SE, Zhou, J and Koehler, S. Neural Mechanisms underlying Somatic Tinnitus. Progress in Brain Research. 166C:107-548, 2007.
  • Shore, SE and Zhou, J. Trigeminal influence on the cochlear nucleus and beyond. Hearing Research, 216-7, 90-99, 2006.
  • Jain R and Shore SE. The external nucleus of the inferior colliculus integrates somatosensory and acoustic information. Neuroscience Letters, 395:71-75, 2006.
  • Zhou J and Shore SE. Convergence of spinal trigeminal and cochlear nucleus projections in the inferior colliculus. J. Comp. Neurol. 495:100-112, 2006. 
  • Papageorgiou D, Shore S, Bledsoe SC, Gulari M, and Wise KD. A shuttered neural probe with on-chip flowmeters for chronic in-vivo drug delivery. IEEE Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems. 15, 4, 1025-1034, 2006.
  • Shore, SE. Multisensory integration in the dorsal cochlear nucleus: Unit responses to acoustic and trigeminal ganglion stimulation. European Journal of Neuroscience. 21(12), 3334-3348, 2005.
  • Sumner CJ, Tucci D and Shore SE. Responses of ventral cochlear nucleus to contralateral sound following conductive hearing loss. J. Neurophysiol. 94:6, 4234-43, 2005.
  • Zhou J and Shore SE. Projections from the trigeminal nuclear complex in the guinea pig to the cochlear nuclei: a retrograde and anterograde study. J. Neuroscience Research, 15;78 (6):901-7, 2004.
  • El-Kashlan, H and Shore, SE. Effects of trigeminal ganglion stimulation on 2-DG activity in the auditory pathway. Hearing Research, 189 (1-2), 25-30, 2004.
  • Shore SE, Clarke S, Rouiller EM.Central auditory processing: integration with other systems. Experimental Brain Research, 153(4):403-4, 2003.
  • Shore SE., Sumner, C., Bledsoe SC, and Lu, J. Binaural integration in the guinea pig ventral cochlear nucleus. Experimental Brain Research, 221:427-435. 2003.
  • Bledsoe, S.C., Shore, S.E. and Guitton, M.J. Spatial representation of corticofugal input in the inferior colliculus: A multicontact silicon probe approach. Experimental Brain Research, 153(4):530-42, 2003.
  • Shore, S.E. El Kashlan, H and Lu, J. Effects of trigeminal gangion stimulation on unit activity in the ventral cochlear nucleus of the guinea pig. Neuroscience, 119 (4): 1085 – 1101, 2003
  • Le Prell, CG, Shore, S.E., Hughes, LF, and Bledsoe, SC. Disruption of lateral efferent pathways: Functional changes in auditory evoked potentials. JARO. 04 276-290, 2003. 
  • Shore, S.E., Vass, Z., Wys, N. and Altschuler, R.A. The trigeminal ganglion innervates the auditory brainstem. J. Comp. Neurol. 419:271-285, 2000.
  • Vass, Z., Shore, S.E., Nuttall, A.L. and Miller, J.M. Endolymphatic hydrops reduces trigeminal innervation to inner ear vasculature. Exper. Neurol., 151: 241-248, 1998.
  • Vass, Z., Shore, S.E., Nuttall, A.L. and Miller, J.M. Direct evidence of trigeminal innervation of the cochlear blood vessels. Neuroscience 84:559-567, 1998.
  • Shore, S.E. Influence of centrifugal pathways on forward masking of ventral cochlear nucleus neurons. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 104:378-389, 1998.
  • Shore, S.E. and Moore, J. K. Sources of input to the cochlear granule cell region in guinea pig. Hear. Res. 116:33-42, 1998.
  • Vass, Z., Shore, S.E., Nuttall, A.L. and Miller, J.M. and Trigeminal ganglion innervation of the cochlea - a retrograde transport study. Neuroscience. 79:605-615, 1997.
  • Shore, S.E. Recovery of forward masked responses in the ventral cochlear nucleus. Hear. Res. 82:23-43, 1995.
  • Shore, S.E. Godfrey, D.A., Helfert, R.H., Bledsoe, C., Jr., Altschuler, R.A. Connections between cochlear nuclei in the guinea pig. Hear. Res. 62:16-26, 1992.
  • Shore, S.E. Helfert, R H., Bledsoe, C., Jr., Altschuler, R.A. and Godfrey, D.A. Descending Projections to the cochlear nucleus in the guinea pig. Hear. Res. 52:255-268, 1991.
  • Shore, S.E., Wiler, J.A., Anderson D.J. Electrical stimulation of the cochlear nucleus: Evoked vertex and collicular responses. Ann. Otol. Rhinol. Laryngol. 99: 571-576, 1990.
  • Shore, S.E., Clopton, B.M., and Au, Y.N. Unit responses in ventral cochlear nucleus reflect cochlear coding of rapid frequency sweeps. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 82:471-478, 1987.
  • Shore, S.E. Coding of complex signals in the peripheral auditory system. Seminars in Hearing 7:65-85, 1986.
  • Shore, S.E. and Nuttall, A.L. High synchrony cochlear compound action potentials evoked by rising frequency swept tone bursts. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 78:1286-1295, 1985.
  • Shore, S.E. and Nuttall, A.L. Effects of cochlear hypothermia on compound action potential tuning. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 77:590-598, 1985.