Kresge Hearing Research Institute Laboratories

Altschuler Laboratory

The Altschuler Laboratory examines the cochlear response to stress and the intracellular molecular pathways that lead to protection, repair and recovery. Researchers also study how the central auditory pathways react and adapt to deafness at the genetic, molecular, neurochemical and morphological levels. Visit lab webpage.

Apostolides Laboratory

The Apostolides Lab studies how cellular mechanisms, such as the properties of synapses and ion channels, support network-level computations that underlie auditory perception. Visit lab webpage.

Brenner Laboratory

The Brenner Laboratory's research interests include elucidating mechanisms of oxidative stress injury, cochlear reactive oxygen species formation and free radical mediated apoptosis and injury in the ear; neuropharmacology; ototoxicity and otoprotection; molecular targets for auditory hair cell protection; and translational research study of nerve regeneration, nerve reconstruction, axonal guidance, nerve transfer, senescence and tissue engineered constructs.

Corfas Laboratory

The Corfas Laboratory studies the molecular mechanisms involved in the development, function and maintenance of the nervous system and how to use this knowledge to understand nervous system disorders and develop new therapies to treat them. Visit lab webpage.

Duncan Laboratory

The Duncan Laboratory studies the excitability of sensory cells in the cochlea. The laboratory uses molecular biology, histology and electrophysiology to address the structure and function of hair cell ion channels. Researchers are particularly interested in mechanisms that regulate ion channel behavior, in the normal, regenerative and pathological cochlea. Visit lab webpage.

Kim Laboratory

The Kim Laboratory focuses on understanding the cellular and molecular mechanisms whereby auditory inputs, sound, influence the structural and fictional plasticity of the central nervous system in the developing brain or during aging. Researchers have elucidated neuron-glia interactions, synapse function and dysfunction and myelination within the auditory nervous system. Visit lab webpage.

Mehta Laboratory

Research in the Mehta Laboratory uses behavior, EEG and fMRI to investigate questions related to pitch perception, perceptual bias, context effects and the effects of hearing loss on auditory perception. Visit lab webpage.

Raphael Laboratory

The Raphael Laboratory studies repair and regeneration in the inner ear, tissue engineering technologies as applied to the cochlea and vestibular organs, and hereditary sensorineural deafness. Visit lab webpage.

Roberts Laboratory

The Roberts Laboratory investigates the cellular, synaptic, and network mechanisms used by neural circuits in the auditory system to extract and encode important features of sounds. Visit lab webpage.

Waldhaus Laboratory

The overall aim of the Waldhaus Laboratory is to develop rational treatment strategies aiming to overcome hearing loss by cellular regeneration of lost hair cells. Visit lab webpage.