Department of Family Medicine
University of Michigan Medical School
1018 Fuller St.
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104-1213
Administrative Contact
Rania Clark [email protected]
Timothy C. Guetterman, PhD, is an interdisciplinary, applied research methodologist specialized in mixed methods research. His methodological interest is to advance rigorous methods of quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods research, particularly strategies for integrating and intersecting qualitative and quantitative research and the use of software and AI in research. His health services research investigates health informatics as a tool to improve health services and communication with a particular focus on equity and environmental health. His educational research focuses on research capacity building and assessment. Tim’s research is funded by foundations and the U.S. National Institutes of Health. As a team scientist, he works across disciplines providing expertise in mixed methods methodology. He recently co-authored the seventh edition of Educational Research: Planning, Conducting, and Evaluating Quantitative and Qualitative Research, with John W. Creswell, adjunct professor. The textbook is available now from Pearson. He is Co-Editor in Chief for the Journal of Mixed Methods Research and President of the Mixed Methods International Research Association.
Areas of Interest
Research Interests
- Enhancing health communication through technology
- Mixed methods research
- Developing the capacity to conduct research
- Assessment methods
Professional Organizations
- Mixed Methods International Research Association
- American Evaluation Association
- American Educational Research Association
Advanced Degrees
Ph.D., University of Nebraska, Department of Educational Psychology, Lincoln, NE, 2015
M.A., The University of Iowa, Department of Counseling, Rehabilitation, and Student Development, Iowa City, IA, 2003
Published Articles or Reviews
Key Publications
- Guetterman, T. C., Kellenberg, J. E., Krein, S. L., Harrod, M., Lehrich, J. L., Iwashyna, T. J., Kronick, S. L., Girotra, S., Chan, P. S., & Nallamothu, B. K. (2019). Nursing roles for in-hospital cardiac arrest response: Higher versus lower performing hospitals. BMJ Quality & Safety, 28, 916-924.
- Chang, T., DeJonckheere, M., Vydiswaran, V.G.V., Li, J., Buis, L. R., & Guetterman, T. C. (2021). Accelerating mixed methods research with natural language processing of big text data. Journal of Mixed Methods Research, 15(3), 398-412.
- Guetterman, T. C., Fàbregues, S., & Sakakibara, R. (2021). Visuals in joint displays to represent integration in mixed methods research: A methodological review. Methods in Psychology, 5. Article 100080.
- Guetterman, T. C., Forman, J., Fouche, S., Simpson, K., Fetters, M. D., Nelson, C., Mendel, P. Hsu, A., Flohr, J., Domeier, R., Rahim, R., Nallamothu, B. K., Abir, M. (2023). A cross-stakeholder approach to improving out-of-hospital cardiac arrest survival. American Heart Journal, 266, 106-119.
- Guetterman, T.C., Koptyra, E., Ritchie, O., Marquis, L.B., Kadri, R., Laurie, A., Vydiswaran, V.G.V., Li, J., Brown, L.K., Veinot, T.C., Buis, L.R. (2023). Equity in virtual care: A mixed methods study of perspective from physicians. Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare. Advance online publication.
- Guetterman, T. C., & Manojlovich, M. (2024). Grand rounds in methodology: Designing for integration in mixed methods research. BMJ Quality & Safety, bmjqs-2023-016112.