April 18, 2023

Remembering Dr. Earl Zazove

We are saddened to announce the death of Dr. Earl Zazove. Dr. E. Zazove, the father of former Department Chair Dr. Philip Zazove, was a longtime supporter of the Department. 

Drs. Philip Zazove, Earl Zazove, Alon Avidan
Dr. Earl Zazove (center) with Dr. Philip Zazove (left) and Dr. Alon Avidon (right), at a previous Drs. Earl and Louise Zazove Lecureship in Family Medicine. 

He passed on April 4, 2023 at the age of 102. His legacy here consists of the Drs. Earl and Louise Zazove Lectureship in Family Medicine.

Dr. E. Zazove, himself a family physician, practiced for more than 25 years in the Chicago area. He is an inspiration to family physicians everywhere.  

The Department of Family Medicine is grateful for the chance to work with Dr. E. Zazove and for his support.

Dr. Earl Zazove’s Obituary