Ananda Sen, Ph.D.

Ananda Sen, Ph.D.

Lee A Green Collegiate Research Professor
Research Professor, Family Medicine and Biostatistics


Department of Family Medicine
University of Michigan Medical School
1018 Fuller St.
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104-1213

Administrative Contact

Katie Grode


Dr. Sen is the Lee A Green Collegiate Research Professor at the University of Michigan. He holds research professor titles in the departments of Family Medicine and Biostatistics. He is a fellow of the American Statistical Association and an elected member of the International Statistical Institute. He has an established career record as a statistician with over 140 publications in peer-reviewed journals and invited book chapters. He has methodological expertise in the areas of competing risks, analysis of recurrent event data, and measuring inter-rater agreement. Dr. Sen has extensive collaborative experience in cancer prevention and biomarker research with diet and disease endpoints. He is the principal investigator of the Biostatistics Core in the NCI funded Specialized Program on Research Excellence in GI Cancer at the University of Michigan. He serves as the Book Review Editor for the journal International Statistical Review. He is on the editorial board of the journals Communications in Statistics, and Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, and serves as a statistics co-editor for the American Journal of Preventive Medicine. In the past, he has also served as an expert panelist for the Committee on National Statistics (CNSTAT), in the National Academy of Sciences.

Areas of Interest

Research Interests
  • Recurrent event data in medical and engineering applications
  • Analysis of competing risks survival data
  • Bayesian methodologies in reliability and survival analysis
  • Measuring inter-rater agreement


Advanced Degrees
  • Ph.D., Statistics, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisc., 1993
  • M.Stat., Statistics, Indian Statistical Institute, Calcutta, India, 1987


Current Studies
  • Study of Exposures and Biomarkers in Cancer Epidemiology Institutional PI, University of Michigan (PI: Satagopan) 
  • Enhancing Informal Caregiving to Support Diabetes Self-Management, NIH, Co-Investigator (PI: Aikens)
  • Telemonitoring Enhanced Support for Depression Self-Management, NIH, Co-Investigator (PI: Aikens)
  • Early Audiology Referral in Primary Care, NIH/NIDCD, Co-Investigator (PI: Zazove)
  • MI-BP: mHealth to Improve Blood Pressure Control in Hypertensive African Americans, NIH, Co-Investigator (PI: Buis)

Published Articles or Reviews

Key Publications 
  1. Sen AFries A. Estimation in a discrete reliability growth model under an inverse sampling scheme. Ann Inst Stat Math, 1997;49:211-229.
  2. Sen A. Estimation of current reliability in a duane-based reliability growth model. Technometrics, 1998;40:334-344.
  3. Basu S, Banerjee M, Sen A. Bayesian inference for Kappa from single and multiple studies. Biometrics, 2000;56:577-582.
  4. Bandyopadhyay N, Sen A. Nonstandard asymptotics in an inhomogeneous gamma process. Ann Inst Stat Math, 2005;57:703-732.
  5. Sen A, Lee S-Y, Gillespie BW, Kazerooni EA, Goodsitt MM, Rosenman KD, Lockey JE, Meyer CA, Petsonk EL, Wang ML, Franzblau A. Comparing film and digital radiographs for reliability of pneumoconiosis classifications: A modeling approach. Acad Radiol, 2010;17(4):511-519.
  6. Sen A, Banerjee M, Li Y, Noone AM. A Bayesian approach to competing risks analysis with masked cause of death. Stat Med, 2010;29(16):1681-1695.
  7. Sen A, Ren J, Ruffin MT, Turgeon DK, Brenner DE, Sidahmed E, Rapai ME, Cornellier ML, Djuric, Z. Relationships between serum and colon concentrations of carotenoids and fatty acids in randomized dietary intervention trial. Cancer Prev Res2013;6(6):558-65.
  8. Samboonsavatdee A, Sen A. Statistical inference for power law process with competing risks. Technometrics, 2015;57(1):112-122.

that to be successful one needs to learn from many failures.