The Michigan Trauma Quality Improvement Program (MTQIP) is a Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan (BCBSM) and Blue Care Network (BCN) Collaborative Quality Initiative (CQI) that addresses inconsistencies and variations in patient outcomes related to trauma-care. The goals of MTQIP are to create a statewide quality improvement infrastructure for trauma centers that endeavors to improve the quality of care for trauma patients and reduce the costs of this care in Michigan. Efforts to provide mortality and morbidity benchmarking to trauma centers have been hindered by 1) lack of complete, reliable data collection with standardized definitions to measure trauma care quality and 2) limited ability to translate data into a meaningful assessment of existing systems/processes of care to determine best practices. MTQIP intends to address these deficits.
MTQIP Objectives
- Identify and expand upon the initial MTQIP pilot program to all ACS verified Level I and II trauma centers in Michigan
- Utilize the existing trauma registry system at each participating hospital to build a sustainable and cost efficient system to track patient outcomes with data standardization
- Enroll each participating hospital in the American College of Surgeons Trauma Quality Improvement Program
- Collaborate with the trauma medical directors and care providers at each MTQIP hospital in a process to identify and promulgate "best practices," based on learning from the MTQIP and ACS-TQIP data registry
- Create a system of providers and consumers/payers that employs comparative effectiveness to improve care for trauma patients
As a key component of MTQIP, process and outcome data will be collected on all patients sustaining traumatic injury who are admitted to a participating trauma center with an injury severity score (ISS) ≥ 5 and hospital length of stay greater than 24 hours or patient death in the emergency department. Morbidity and mortality outcomes will be recorded through hospital discharge. Tri-annual meetings of the consortium will be held to accomplish the group's objectives. This includes feedback of data with risk-adjusted outcomes, execution of quality improvement initiatives, and education. These will help guide and supplement coordinated, site-specific quality improvement interventions at participating trauma centers. MTQIP quality improvement projects:
- Adoption of one to two quality improvement projects by each trauma center based on its own outcomes. The center would document its target areas and goals. Centers would be expected to share their results and the mechanisms by which they achieved them with the group.
- Selection of two potentially high impact areas by the consortium as a whole to focus for global quality improvement. For 2011-2012 process measures aimed at traumatic brain injury (TBI) and venous thromboembolism (VTE) were selected. Appropriate custom data points have been added to provide in-depth feedback to centers. Targeted reduction of TBI and VTE with monitoring progress towards achievement of these goals is currently underway.
- Standardization of the internal peer review of trauma mortality at each center. This would allow data to be collected on a consortium wide basis enabling phase of care mortality analysis.
Contact Information
Mark Hemmila, MD Program Director
Associate Professor of Surgery
University of Michigan, Division of Acute Care Surgery
Phone: 734 763-2854
Email: [email protected]
Judy Mikhail, BSN, MSN, MBA, Program Manager
University of Michigan, Division of Acute Care Surgery
Phone: 734 763-8227
Email: [email protected]
Jill Jakubus, PA-CProgram Coordinator
Physician Assistant
University of Michigan, Division of Acute Care Surgery
Phone: 734 763-9003
Email: [email protected]