Michigan Surgical Quality Collaborative

Director: Michael Englesbe, MD, FACS

Associate Director: Samantha Hendren, MD, MPH, FACS

Director Emeritus: Darrell "Skip" Campbell Jr., MD

About MSQC

Visit the MSQC website

The MSQC was founded in 2005 under the sponsorship of Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan and Blue Care Network (BCBSM/BCN). Through the leadership of Michael Englesbe MD, FACS, Program Director, the MSQC has focused on real-world improvements in surgical outcomes. This approach has made the Michigan Surgical Quality Collaborative (MSQC) a model of successful regional teamwork for hospitals nationwide. We have grown from the original cohort of 16 hospitals, steadily adding participants, to a total of 69 hospitals in Michigan. The MSQC provides our member hospitals with practical approaches to better patient outcomes and lower costs.
Our evidence-based approach to best practices—and the proven savings that come with them—have already put MSQC on the road to a “rare triple win” for the region:
  • Patients—Better outcomes and well-being.
  • Surgeons—More professional satisfaction and autonomy.
  • Hospitals, Payers and Purchasers—More efficiencies and bigger savings.
The Michigan Surgical Quality Collaborative is listed as a Patient Safety Organization (PSO), designated by The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ). This designation requires a high level of quality and security in the way MSQC gathers, analyzes, and shares data from each of its hospitals for use in quality work. Listing as a PSO is a validation that data from each participating site is afforded the most appropriate protections. More information on MSQC PSO's designation can be found here.