Faculty: h

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Gary Hammer

Gary Hammer

Millie Schembechler Professor, Adrenal Cancer
Professor, Internal Medicine
Professor, Molecular & Integrative Physiology
Professor, Cell & Developmental Biology
Idse Heemskerk

Idse Heemskerk

Assistant Professor, Cell & Developmental Biology
Assistant Professor, Physics
Affiliate, Center for Computational Medicine and Bioinformatics
Affiliate, Biomedical Engineering
Research Focus: stem cells, mammalian development, signaling & patterning dynamics, morphogenesis, mathematical modeling, biological physics

Thanh Hoang

Assistant Professor, Ophthalmology & Visual Sciences
Assistant Professor, Cell & Developmental Biology
Michigan Neuroscience Institute Affiliate
Research Focus: Investigating cell type specification during the neurodevelopment and regeneration of neurons

Michael Hortsch

Professor, Cell & Developmental Biology
Professor, Learning Health Sciences
Research Focus: Medical education, histology, e-learning, educational technology, virtual microscopy